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The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) is pleased to announce the new 24-member Board for the term 2024-2028. We warmly welcome the following individuals, all outstanding experts in the field, who have been elected from six world regions following voting by IOF’s global membership:
Teréza Hough (South Africa), Ngozi Rosemary Njeze (Nigeria), Abdellah El Maghraoui (Morocco), Leith Zakraoui (Tunisia)
Manju Chandran (Singapore), Peter Ebeling (Australia), Ambrish Mithal (India), Atsushi Suzuki (Japan)
Maria Luisa Brandi (Italy), Olivier Bruyère (Belgium), Nicholas Harvey (UK), Radmila Matijevic (Serbia)
Latin America
Claudia Campusano (Chile), Patricia Clark (Mexico), Osvaldo Messina (Argentina), Jorge Luis Alberto Morales Torres (Mexico)
Middle East
Nizar Abdulateef (Iraq), Bagher Larijani (Iran), Basel Masri (Jordan), Youssef Saleh (Saudi Arabia)
North America
Bess Dawson-Hughes (USA), Michael McClung (USA), Daniel Pinto (USA), Stuart Silverman (USA)
Dr Philippe Halbout, Chief Executive Officer, congratulated the elected Board Members and stated:
"We extend a heartfelt welcome to the new Board members as they take up this prestigious position over the next four years. The Board’s engagement and insights will be instrumental as we move forward at this exciting time for patients, physicians, and policymakers. Our joint efforts and commitment will help drive much-needed advances in osteoporosis and fragility fracture prevention for the benefit of patients in all regions of the world.”
He also expressed his sincere thanks to the members who have left the Board, stating:
"On behalf of the entire IOF family, I would also like to thank the members who are leaving the Board after years of service on this distinguished panel. Your support has been greatly appreciated and has helped lay the course for the future development of the Foundation.”
IOF’s unique organizational structure encompasses key membership committees comprising the Committee of National Societies (CNS) with more than 330 member patient, medical, research organizations and universities in 152 countries, the Committee of Scientific Advisors (CSA) with 168 leading scientific experts, and, as a non-voting membership group, the Committee of Corporate Advisors (CCA) which represents leading companies with a strong commitment to bone health.
Following recent Committee elections, IOF is also pleased to announce the newly elected leadership of these important Committees:
- Dr Famida Jiwa, elected as the new Committee of National Societies Chair
- Prof. Eugene McCloskey, elected as the new Committee of Scientific Advisors Chair
- Ms Shireen Bate, re-elected as the Committee of Corporate Advisors Chair
IOF, based in Switzerland, is the world’s largest organization dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of osteoporosis and related fragility fractures. Together, this constituency is a powerful and influential force, working towards the IOF vision of a world without fragility fractures in which healthy mobility is a reality for all.
Addendum: At the first Meeting of the new Board in London UK on April 10th, the Board ratified Prof. Nicholas Harvey as new IOF President, Prof. Jean-Yves Reginster as General Secretary, and Prof. René Rizzoli as IOF Treasurer