Osteoporosis is a chronic, age-related disease which causes fractures that have costly human and socio-economic consequences. As populations around the world age, the scale of the burden is set to increase dramatically. IOF calls on governments to take decisive action in response to a growing fragility fracture crisis which is impacting on individuals, families and societies worldwide.

Fracture Liaison Services, commonly known as FLS, are coordinator-based, multidisciplinary model of care for secondary fracture prevention. They are implemented by health care systems, both public and private, to close the care gap for patients with fragility fractures, 80% of whom are never screened or treated for osteoporosis. FLS ensures that all patients with fragility fractures are identified to receive fracture risk assessment and treatment, to prevent any further fractures.
Capture the Fracture®, a global flagship programme of IOF since 2012, involves more than 909 FLS in all regions of the world.

The IOF Global Patient Charter is an advocacy tool developed in cooperation with IOF member societies. Signatories of the Charter add their voices to the global call for all health authorities to address the rights of people with osteoporosis. These rights include access to timely diagnosis; effective intervention and care; involvement and choice in management plans; and support to ensure active, independent living. Individuals are invited to sign the Charter online and organizations are invited to endorse the Charter. Support for the Charter helps to raise the profile of osteoporosis and fracture prevention as a global health priority.
IOF’s organizational alliances within the musculoskeletal field and across the spectrum of related diseases help to strengthen the osteoporosis movement. By combining our respective expertise and strengths we amplify our call for change on behalf of osteoporosis patients worldwide.

IOF-ISCD-AFOS Regional Alliance
The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), the Asian Federation of Osteoporosis Societies (AFOS) and the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) have established a regional alliance in which the three organizations pledge to collaborate on a common platform to achieve their respective missions.
This new platform for collaborative efforts in Asia sets the groundwork for effective collaboration and mutual promotion of activities in the Asia-Pacific region.

NCD Alliance
IOF is an active member of the Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Alliance Supporters Group. The NCD Alliance is a civil society network uniting 2,000 federation associations, civil society organizations, professional associations, and academic institutions to improve NCD prevention and control worldwide. The NCD Alliance works to drive the NCD agenda forward, as a thought leader on policy and practice, a convener of civil society movement, a partner to governments and an advocate for people at risk of or living with NCDs.

Asia Pacific Fragility Fracture Alliance
The Asia Pacific Fragility Fracture Alliance, launched in November 2018, aims to act as a catalyst for systematic change, by driving healthcare policy, increasing awareness, and influencing political and professional frameworks across the region.
The Alliance’s four regional (AFOS, AOSPRM, APGMN, APOA) and three global (IOF, FFN, ISCD) representatives are drawn from the osteoporosis, geriatrics, orthopaedics and rehabilitation sectors. The Alliance will focus on three pillars – improving acute care for those who sustain bone fragility fractures, patient rehabilitation, and secondary fracture prevention.

Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis (APCO)
The Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis (APCO) was launched in May 2019. Comprising clinical experts from across the region, APCO aims to help healthcare professionals deliver best practice for people who are living with osteoporosis.
The diversity of the APCO membership creates a strong forum for the exchange of ideas between experts working in very different healthcare systems and clinical settings. An initial aim will be to develop comprehensive Pan Asia Pacific guidance and to promote basic standards of care for risk assessment, diagnosis and management of osteoporosis and fragility fractures.

ESCEO-IOF Scientific Collaboration
Since 2010, the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) and IOF have co-organized the world’s largest annual congress in the bone, muscle and joint arena. As well, experts from the two organizations work together on scientific sessions and management guidelines, notably the influential ‘European guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women’, published in its more recent edition in October 2018.

American Orthopaedic Association (AOA) Organizational Alliance
IOF is one of the 26 members of the AOA Organizational Alliance. The Alliance collaborates in the shared mission of increasing awareness and improving the bone health care of patients with management of fragility fractures.

Fragility Fracture Network Alliance
As globally active organizations in the field, IOF and FFN share complementary visions and missions dedicated to reducing the fragility fracture burden for the benefit of patients and healthcare systems worldwide. IOF-FFN collaboration, which began in 2018 with the ‘Global Call to Action’, sets the framework for joint opportunities and optimization of resources. Together, we champion a systematic approach to fragility fracture care with the goal of restoring function and preventing subsequent fractures.
World Osteoporosis Day (WOD), marked on October 20, is an annual campaign dedicated to raising global awareness of bone health and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and related fragility fractures. It aims to put osteoporosis and fracture prevention on the global health agenda by reaching out to patients and the public at large, the media, health-care professionals, and policy makers. A dedicated website hosts all resources and showcases events being carried out for this global annual campaign.
October 20
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