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In Yaroslavl, advocates of the All-Russian Patient Society OSTEORUS came to the Public Support Headquarters as part of the project "Women's Health". The event was organized by the Women's Movement of United Russia and the Yaroslavl Union of Women.
On February 8th, 2024 Olga Borisovna Ershova, Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Yaroslavl State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of "OSTEORUS" and Vice-President of the Russian Association on Osteoporosis (RAOP), gave a very informative presentation on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. She discussed the latest expert research on the influence of vitamin D on bone health and other organs and systems of the body, and about her initiative - a survey of junior schoolchildren to investigate how often they eat dairy products or other foods rich in calcium (Ca). She also recommended the use of a method of self-diagnosis through the FRAX system on the website
The lecture attendees learned about the activities of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), which spearheads the World Osteoporosis Day campaign, marked annually on October 20, and about the Osteoporosis Prevention Week in Russia (from October 16 to 22 annually). In Russia, these events are held under the auspices of the OSTEORUS patient society, which for the first time in the world prioritized the issue of preventing the disease from childhood. Professor Ershova drew attention to the fact that the culture of nutrition is formed in the family and urged parents to pay attention to the diet of their children to ensure that it contains foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals for the formation of healthy bones. She also noted that today’s children lack regular physical activity, which can affect the health of the younger generation.
Every year, under the leadership of OSTEORUS, a Children's Drawing Contest is held throughout Russia at regional Osteoporosis Centers, reflecting the annual theme of the World Osteoporosis Day announced by IOF. In Yaroslavl, the creative competition is held jointly with the Yaroslavl Union of Women (headed by Olga Khitrova, a deputy of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma). Based on the results of the Russian stage of the contest, the winners' drawings are used to create a calendar, which has become a business card of the patients' society. It includes recommendations on osteoporosis prevention from specialists of the Russian Association on Osteoporosis (RAOP).
The event was attended by new representatives of the Yaroslavl Osteoporosis Center at the "N.V. Solovyov Clinical Emergency Hospital" - young doctors need to know how to conduct preventive activities. For many years the center has been hosting an Open Doors Day on October 20th. At the lecture, an information stand with recommendations on Proper Nutrition, Physical Activity, How to Fall-Proof Your Home was set up and brochures with doctors' advice on disease prevention were freely available. Professor Ershova answered many questions concerning the main theme of the lecture.
Representatives of the All-Russian Patient Society OSTEORUS carry out educational activities at various venues and respond to public projects all year round. Health volunteers strive to convey an important message to the public:
“Take care of your bones early to keep them strong for many years and protect yourself from fractures”.
Contributed by Victoria Sotskova and Galina Evstifeeva