
It is with great sadness that IOF notes the passing of Professor Maria Luisa Bianchi, a globally renowned expert on paediatric metabolic bone disease, esteemed clinician and distinguished researcher.

She was a valued member of the IOF Committee of National Societies as the IOF representative of the Italian Society “Lega Italiana Osteoporosi (LIOS)” and actively contributed to the IOF Paediatric Working Group. Prof. Bianchi was a well-known endocrinologist and the Director of the Experimental Laboratory for Research on Children’s Bone and Metabolism at the Department of Endocrinology, Bone Metabolic Diseases Centre of the Italian Auxological Institute IRCCS in Milan. 

On behalf of the IOF community, we send our heartfelt condolences to Professor Bianchi’s family, friends and colleagues and will remember with gratitude and respect her dedication, passion and kindness to her young patients and to all those with whom she worked.